
Cellphone banking is coming of age

You’re starting a two-week vacation far from home when you suddenly realize you left the mortgage payment on the kitchen table instead of mailing it on the way to the airport. Or perhaps you’re standing in the checkout line of a store, poised to make a debit card payment, but you can’t remember if you have enough money in your account to avoid expensive overdraft charges. It doesn’t happen often, just frequently enough to be annoying and costly. But cell phones may be the solution for a number of banking problems. In the past two weeks, two U.S. banks began nationwide services allowing customers to do many online banking tasks on their cell phones. As cell carriers improve Internet data connection speeds, more banks are looking to mobile handsets as another way for customers to avoid ever talking to a bank employee.


Technology has made everything very convenient to consumers; nothing has change since considering that now consumers are able to their banking online through their phones from checking balances to pay bills and transfer money on their handsets. In order for consumers to access this cellphone banking they need a smartphone that has internet access where they can download an apps or software;  another cool thing is that consumers don’t need to worry about strangers lurking for their bank information as well if consumers are to misplace their phone banks can shut down the mobile within minutes. The only downfall would be the security factor and the amount of shoulder surfers.

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